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we're janidele.
we go to springfield secondary.
we don't quite like this school.
we have a lot in common.
maybe except for different taste music.
but we're pretty much best friends.
and after one year only, we're already close.


she's smily as always, loves vintage.
wouldn't leave the house without her ipod
her handphone and her excess card.
she would cry if someone took her
ipod away.
friends are like a must to have by her side always.
cause they're always there for her. Especially, nidia&eleanor
she just can't liveWITHOUTthem.
her ultimate obsession is of course..zac efron and vanessa hudgens.((;

she's defined as the retro nerd.
family is her everything.
friends are her only source.
music is her drug.
ipod is her turntable.
one tree hill answers her questions.
daydreaming is her hobby.
singapore is her country.
but living in the city with the eiffel tower for 8 years,
paris is always her home
therefore, french loves her.
she's travelled most of europe
but still wants to travel more of the world.
NYC is waiting for her.
and she's planning a road trip one day.
she also thinks that life isn't so miserable.
and she always writes and spells correctly with perfect english. :]

she's a fun-loving person.
Music is her language. Cannot live without Music
Refuses to leave the house without her mp3 or ipod(well, if she has one)
Her phone is a necessatie. she lives to dance
Singing may be considered to be her passion.
Nidia & Jacinda are her lifeline
that's why she loves them so so much
she absoulutely loves cookies& cream
loves her friends and family. and is really good at solving probelms.
she desires to inspire people.
OH! and and, she's ver very trustable ((:
she makes a terribly good listener

October 2007 November 2007 May 2008



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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This is me!!
i kow im weird.
this is taking during tuition.
so this is how i look now.
so much different.
so nid and ja, post a pic of yourself too!!!

its been a long time yeah?
and jacinda, nidia and I are still so close.
we're opening up this blog again.
so please feel free to leave us comments or tags.
we would really love it.
having MYE'S now.
but its going to bo over soon.
so hang in thr guys.

JACINDA: Please come and leave a post. yeah>> love ya so mcuh.

NIDIA:YOU TOO! haha. go post.

leave as many as you like lah.
this is OUR blog.


see ya round!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Well hello little kids!

Okay, so basically, i'm in Paris, France. LIKE WOOHOO! I can't wait to get to see ASP and my friends. :P

So i left Singapore 2:45 AM on Sunday, November 11th and i arrived Paris, 1:10 PM local time and 7:10 PM Singapore time. Yea, on the same day. Normally, i leave on like, let's say 11th of November but then i'd reach on the 12th, but since we took a different airlines, we had a different timing :]

Yes, Paris is my home, but come to think of it, Singapore is safer than Paris.
I love Singapore, but i just can't stand the people.

They need to use their brain more. Seriously. BUTTTTTTT, some people in Singapore are WAAAY cool, so that's nothing to complain about :P

Please, Singaporeans, talk PROPER English in SINGAPORE, but talk SINGLISH, OUT OF SINGAPORE! Cause then, it's waay cool, cause they'd be like they're speaking english with a different pronounciation and then they'd be like double-you-tee-ef? and then it makes us much cooler. Well, sorta, but when you're talking to someone out of Singapore, YOU HAVE TO SPEAK IN GOOD ENGLISH, cause if not, they really would think you're weird.

Anyways, i have no idea why i made a speech about proper english. The reason i'm posting this is because i've REACHED PARIS. You hear me? PARIS!

God, i really do miss this place. Okay, i'm off posting. I'm too lazy. Later update, next time!

NOTE to JACINDA & ELEANOR: YOU GUYS BETTER POST MORE! If not, i'll like really forget about this blog and make one on my own.

today's post by:
-Niddiee :]]
Queen Of Babble & Just Listen
Sunday, November 4, 2007

As far as i know, i really love those books.


Queen of Babble by Meg Cabot
Queen of Babble In the Big City by Meg Cabot
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

If you like funny things, just read the first two.
But if you want some answers to some of your questions maybe you should try the book by Sarah.

Okay, hello, stop reading this, GO GO GO TO THE BOOKSHOP!

sorry, i tried to find pictures of the book covers but i couldn't. but screw it, you need to OWN the books!

today's post by:
-Niddiee :]]
holiday plans. not quite exciting.
Saturday, November 3, 2007

greetings marsians. haha.
okays. i'm kidding.
looks like band's got my holidays planed.
i'm so gonna have so much fun! [yeah..right..]
it that ever works out for band, something's really wrong than.
they set so much rules already.
it's sick.
i mean like, you need a freaking excuse sheet.[i prefer to say SHIT]
to get excused?
you gotta be kidding me.
ARGH! band's officially getting on my nerves.
oh but i'm going off to indo on the 14th november..
so i guess it'll be okay.
alright people, list down what you want!
i'll try to get them((:
Day One of Hari Raya (Part one)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today, i find myself transferring photos to my brother's fine laptop secretly. Well no, but im posting photos of Hari Raya. This is part one of the first day, because i just can't be bothered to rush through all this. We basically just went to my grandma's house which we always do every year until we left to Paris. However, now that we're BACK, which totally sucks by the way, we celebrate Hari Raya in my beloved Grandma's house :] So, we always take a picture so that my dad who still lives in Paris, but coming back soon, can see our wonderful baju kurung.

I know our family's beautiful, you just have to admit it you know? We were already late, it was like 3:00 pm so we just had to take a picture as soon as possible :]

Alrights' from left to right:
My brother Jan, my cousin, Helena,
my mommy, my sister Winni and me Nidia :]

We're basically a happy family.

I basically love this girl, she's like 3 years old and she is hell of a cute cousin.

Her brother and her little sister are also cute. I can't stand it, the WHOLE family's cute. Hahahaha.

Okay well, her name is Najah. :]
And you all know me that's me righttt?

Oh and by the way, the stain on my baju kurung was from ayam pedas i wanted to eat. I was choosing the chicken part i wanted to eat, then i was like ooh i want this one, so i took it but instead of the chicken part landing on my rice perfectly, it slipped off my stupid spoon and it splashed so instead of splashing on my rice it splashed everywhere INCLUDING my baju kurung. Can you picture what i just said? Shyah, i didn't think so. So in all, i was like awww craaap.

Awww, such a cute picture don't you think?

My sister Winni and my cousin Helena.
Helena moved out like last year so we're pretty sad.

My sister and i got closer when we moved back so it's all good :]]]

I kinda love them a lot you know?

Anyways, our baju kurung basically rules the whole world.
So we're the queens of baju kurung.

My mommy sews the baju kurung for us :]

These pretty ladies are my cousins who are pretty close to me. The one in the middle is Nabila and the one on the right is Hidayah.

Nabila and i are 6 days apart.
She was born on the 1st and i was born on the 7th. She was suppose to be born on the 7th but i guess she was early or i was late, well i'm not sure on that one now am i?

Hidayah is a year younger. Okay not really, just by a few months i guess? but she's counted as a year younger. She wasn't born on the same year as us, okay fine i guess you get the point.

No really, i love them too. I just spend a lot of time with my other cousin in the picture before :]]] Hehe.

Okay so this cousin is Nabil. This is Nabila's brother.
He's in primary four and i don't want to spread other details about him.

He's really cute right?

I loved to see him growing up. When he was a baby he was like sooo annoying and i couldn't stand him.

Now that he's older and OBSESSED with soccer, i think i can take his maturity :P

When he was younger, we always teased him on having so many girlfriends.But it was just a joke, i'm sure now, a lot of girls are in love with him.

So end of part one i guess, and you all should know, i do talk a lot. That's probably why Jacinda and Eleanor can not stop laughing when i'm talking. Sometimes, it's not even FUNNY and they start laughing. But when it's funny, they really do laugh like there aren't people around them to think they're maniacs but really we are so we can't really blame them. So we're pretty much hilarious. I know that Hari Raya is over and i'm just posting the pictures of the first day of Eid but whatever. At least you can see the photos. I'm right aren't i? Well toodles?

Today's post by:
Niddiee :]]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

just wanna say
a great big thank you to nidia..
for doing up this blog.
and and..eleanor!
you've got to get on this blog too!